Atlantean Halls of Record
Cayce’s Three Atlantean Halls of Record were located in Egypt near the Sphinx, underwater in the Bimini area, and in the Yucatan area possibly near the ancient Maya city of Piedras Negras (Spanish for Black Rocks) in Guatemala. The latter location was not specifically named in the readings, but from clues and details given in several readings, researchers in the 1930s determined Piedras Negras to be the correct location.
Hall of Records Update:
From the Ancient Mysteries Newsletter (October 2001) Issue #1
Cayce’s Three Atlantean Halls of Record were located in Egypt near the Sphinx, underwater in the Bimini area, and in the Yucatan area possibly near the ancient Maya city of Piedras Negras (Spanish for Black Rocks) in Guatemala. The latter location was not specifically named in the readings, but from clues and details given in several readings, researchers in the 1930s determined Piedras Negras to be the correct location. The Cayce readings state that the records were saved prior to the final destruction of Atlantis around 10,500 B.C. Stone tablets, linens, gold, and other artifacts are stored in the Halls. The records relate the entire history of humanity including the beginnings “when the Spirit took form or began the encasements” in physical bodies in the ancient lands of Mu and Atlantis. They also contain information about the ancient practice of building pyramids.
Currently, following several years of very active investigation at all three sites, actual on-site scientific investigation is at a virtual standstill. An update on the status of each follows:
Egypt - The Giza Plateau
In Egypt, A.R.E. members Joe Jahoda and Dr. Joseph Schor have been unable to obtain permission to do further additional radar analysis of the 25 x 40 foot underground cavern that they discovered near the Sphinx in 1997. NASA scientists verified the cavern and Jahoda and Schor were allowed to do limited drilling in order to drop cameras down for a better look. Although the cavity appeared to be a natural formation, it made what may be an unnatural, 90-degree turn. Tentative approval was given for a more sophisticated radar analysis to be done in 1999. Due to a bureaucratic snafu, the permits were not approved. In a July 2001 article on the web site of the National Geographic Society, Zahi Hawass, Director General of the Giza Plateau, is said to have recently “urged other archaeologists to join him in a two year moratorium on all excavations in the area from Giza to Aswan.” The only explanation given is Hawass’ concern for the preservation of the existing monuments.
During the summer of 2001, two French archaeologists claimed to have located entrances to hidden chambers in the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Their discoveries were reported in an ABC Online News Service. The French researchers used computerized architectural data from Egyptian funeral designs as well as a technique called macrophotography to analyze hundreds of meters of walls within the pyramid. Although the two men are calling for a joint French-Egyptian effort to uncover the chambers, the response from other Egyptologists, both French and Egyptian, has been less enthusiastic. Zahi Hawass has responded emphatically that he is unaware of any evidence for hidden chambers or cavities in the Great Pyramid.
The National Geographic Society’s follow-up study of the so-called “door” found at the far end an air shaft leading from the Queen’s chamber in the Great Pyramid was due to commence in March of 2000. It has been repeatedly postponed with no reason given. This pyramid has just recently been reopened to the public. It was closed over the past year for repairs as part of a routine rotation and cleaning schedule involving all the pyramids at Giza. Given the great amount of publicity surrounding the airshaft door, the lack of follow-up is mysterious in itself.
Yucatan Hall of Records - Piedras Negras
After 4 seasons of exploration at the ancient Maya site of Piedras Negras, Brigham Young University archaeologists have decided not to return. Instead, they plan to take the materials they have excavated over previous seasons and study them in the laboratory. The project was originally slated to last 5 years and no definitive reason is given for the decision to retreat to the laboratory. However, in the most recent report, Stephen Houston and Hector Escobedo hint at the “taxing” nature of the site itself. Located deep within the Guatemala jungle, Piedras Negras can only be accessed by 2-days of travel via rugged mountain “roads” then by canoe over white water rapids. Because the site is located in a rainforest, it is only feasible to work there in the dry seasons — roughly March through June. Even then, the weather is hot and humid and the remoteness of the site requires the most primitive camping conditions. The remoteness and primitive conditions combined with the nearby camps of several guerilla groups have helped to protect the site from widespread looting.
During the final season (Spring 2000), BYU focused efforts into probing some of the oldest pyramids located at the site. One of these appears to have a sublevel built during the PreClassic Maya era — around 400-600 B.C. Due to the unstable nature of the building materials, they were unable to completely penetrate to the core of the building. This portion of the site (South Group) and the Acropolis area are the most likely locations for the Hall of Records according to clues given by Cayce in the readings. Additional excavations were performed during 2000 within the Acropolis and, as in the past, were hampered by large piles of debris left at the site by the University of Pennsylvania’s digs in the 1930s.
The most outstanding find of the season was a 3000 lb. carved stone panel, which had been attached to a large pyramid. It was apparently thrown down the steps at some point in the distant past landing upside down in front of the Acropolis complex. It is the most complete hieroglyphic text uncovered at the site in 65 years. Although some of the carvings are eroded, archaeologists skilled in interpreting the hieroglyphs have determined that it contains the life story of Piedras Negras’ Ruler 2. This ruler was of the Turtle Clan and was named after the founding Father god of the Maya, Itzamna. Although the panel was carved well after the 10,000 B.C. Hall of Records period (it is dated to around 600 A.D), it does contain a reference to the Maya sacred creation date for the “Fourth World” (3114 B.C.) linking some of the events of the life of Ruler 2 to that time frame. Given that the Ruler also carries the name of Itzamna, there may be more to the purpose of the panel than the archaeologists are able to determine at this time. The study of Maya hieroglyphics is still in its infancy and even now it is understood that their writing style was very sophisticated and carried multiple levels of meaning.
Although abandoning their effort for the moment, BYU concedes that there is still much that is not understood about the site and that more excavation needs to be done. Given that the Guatemala government has utilized American funded projects such as this to help rebuild these sites and prepare them for tourist contact, chances are there will be future activity at Piedras Negras.
Much exploration has been done in the area of the Bimini Islands since the discovery of the so-called Bimini Road in 1968. The Cayce readings had predicted the discovery of ruins in that area during that year. According to the readings, Bimini was near the place where the largest Atlantean island sank around 10,000 B.C. Since the discovery of the “road,” aerial photographic surveys have turned up several other unusual underwater formations. Some of these are pentagon-shaped and others resemble building foundations. Shipwreck debris scattered all over the area has confused the issue bringing some less than scientific and greatly sensationalized claims of “proof of Atlantis.” These claims are easily debunked and ridiculed by the scientific community.
Sampling of the stone found in the road formation has also turned up conflicting evidence. Samples taken in the 1970s by the U.S. Geological Survey concluded that the road was simply a natural beach rock formation. In 1997 Dr. Joan Hanley of the Gaea Project reported that the content of the rocks varied geologically to the point that they could not have been located side by side naturally. One of the most exiting discoveries, however, was a series of effigy sand mounds shaped like a shark, dolphin and alligator within the Bimini mangrove swamps. The mounds align primarily with the stars Sirius, Rigel, Vega, and Capella in about A.D. 1000. Ground penetrating radar has failed to locate any artifacts under the mounds although the high water table may have created a barrier.
The 1990s also brought the discovery of an additional large stone formation south of Bimini similar to the road found in 1968. Project Alta, a side-scan sonar search of the area south of Bimini, reported in 1993 the discovery of a 35-foot wide hexagonal feature as well as some unusual right angles, concentric circles, and triangular-shaped features. In 1998 and 1999 donations were received by the Gaea Project to do sonar analysis on the ocean floor near the location of the Bimini road off the Bahama ridge.
Issue #2 of Ancient Mysteries will contain an update on the Bimini search as well as new information from Giza.
from toltec: you can download all Issue #1 in pdf format here
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